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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

OBIEE 11g Log Files and Configuration

·     Specifying Query Log Maximum Log Age for all log files

This post best describes what are all the log file we have to consider for OBIEE 11g. We could check and configure both online as well online.

Using Enterprise Manager:
The right way to check them is using the Enterprise Manager (EM) Console page.
EM Console. Login to the URL http://servername:7001/em and navigate to: 

Farm_bifoundation_domain-> Business Intelligence-> coreapplications-> Diagnostics-> Log Messages
You will find the available files:

  • Presentation Services Log
  • Server Log
  • Scheduler Log
  • JavaHost Log
  • Cluster Controller Log
  • Action Services Log
  • Security Services Log
  • Administrator Services Log
If we are looking at the ‘Log Configuration’ tab which will allow to do the following changes
·     Specify Maximum file Size for all log files
·     Specifying Maximum Log Age for all log files
·     Specifying Query Log Maximum file size for all log files
However, we could also directly browse them on the hard disk in the below specified locations. 
The log files for OBIEE components are under <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs.  Specific log files and their location is defined in the following table:
Log File Name                                           Physical Path
Installation log <OBIEE_HOME>/logs
NQQuery Log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1
NQSServer Log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1
ServerName_NQSAdminTool Log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1
ServerName_NQSUDMLExec log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1
servername_obieerpdmigrateutil log (Migration log) <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1
sawlog0 log (presentation) <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1
JH  log (Java Host) <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIJavaHostComponent\coreapplication_obijh
WebcatUpgrade Log (Web Catalog Upgrade) <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1
NQScheduler  Log (Agents) <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logsOracleBISchedulerComponent/coreapplication_obisch1
NQCluster  Log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIClusterControllerComponent\coreapplication_obiccs1
ODBC log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIODBCComponent/coreapplication_obips1
OPMN Log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn
Debug log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn
LogQuery log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn
Service log <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn
OPMN Out <OBIEE_HOME>/instances/instance1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn
Upgrade Assistant log <OBIEE_HOME>Oracle_BI1/upgrade/logs

Till Next Post,

Friday, 1 November 2013

Opening Catalog Manager in Windows for Linux OBIEE 11g

This post describes how to open Catalog Manager in Windows for the Linux OBIEE 11g. 
In this situtation, OBIEE 11g is installed in Linux machine and in some extent we could launch catalog manager in linux server but most of the time we could not have access to server and even if we have that to can access only via VNC or some of third party server. 

So If we want to open catalog through catalog manger, It is possible to open using our catalog manager object which is installed in our local windows machine. 

All we know the default location of the catalog manager

Online / Offline

Many of the operations that you can perform using Catalog Manager are available in both online mode and offline mode. A few operations are available in only one mode or the other. Generally, the operations available in:
  • Online mode are read-only operations and write operations that do not affect the entire catalog, such as setting permissions for an object.
  • Offline mode include most of the operations available in online mode and write functions that affect the entire catalog, such as searching for and replacing catalog text
Note: Using catalog Manager in OBIEE client, we have the privilege to catalog only in online as we couldn't directly point physical to open in offline mode.

Here is the steps how to open repository online using Administration Tool in our local machine.

Start -> All Programs -> click 'Catalog Manager' from OBIEE Client

Now Catalog Manager windows will be opened. From there click File -> Open Catalog
In the next step, we will be prompted to enter catalog path, weblogic username and password to open catalog online. Enter all the detail and click 'OK'

Link: http://hostname:9704/analytics/saw.dll
User Name: Weblogic
Passowrd: Admin123
Now we could see the catalog is opened in catalog manager.
As per my work I have assign privileges for some users to My Folder. So right click on 'My Folder' from the left side pane of catalog manager and select 'Permission'
In the next sceen we could see what are the users having access to My Folder and from that selecting 'All' and then click 'List' will list out all the other user. so from the user list we could add some user to the left side pane and the click 'OK' to apply the changes.  

Now close catalog manager and check with privileges of the new users which you altered.


Opening Repository Online Using Administration Tool in Windows for Linux OBIEE

This post describes how to open repository online using OBIEE 11g Administration Tool in Windows for the Linux OBIEE. 
In this situtation, OBIEE 11g is installed in Linux machine and all we know that Administration Tool will not work in Linux. 

For the major development, we could develop reository through installed OBIEE Client in our local machine and could upload the same repository to linux server through enterprise manager. But for every minor changes, imports we no need to develop the same in local machine. We could directly open repository online using our Administration Tool from our local machine.

Here is the steps how to open repository online using Administration Tool in our local machine.

Go to Control Panel -> Administration Tool -> ODBC Source  and then select 'System DSN' tab
Click 'Add' from the above select 'Oracle BI Server1' driver and then finish with the below screen
The above step prompt the 'Oracle BI Server DSN Configuration' window.
       1. Enter DSN Name
      2. Enter OBIEE Server Host Name or IP Address
and then click 'Next'
In the next step click Login ID and Password. After entering weblogic username and password click 'Next'
With the below screen just click 'Finish' and complete the DSN configuration.
 After sucessful creation We could see DSN Name which we have created under System DSN
Now Open Administration Tool from our OBIEE Client installed in our Local machine and click open online. Now we could see the DSN which we have created in ODBC Sources. 

Here enter Repository Password and weblogic Username and Passworkd
 We could see repository opened online in Administration Tool
Points to remember:
To create the connection we have to be in local network where OBIEE Server installed or have to be connected with network atleast through VPN.

in The Next Post read How to open catalog manager for the changes for the same Env


What is Oracle Database Link and How to create database link (DB Link)

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